Posts Tagged ‘ Beer ’

Digital Heat Transfers Make Great Labels for Beer and Wine Bottles

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

Digital Heat Transfers Beer BottlesAs they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Or maybe they should say beauty is in the eye of the beer holder. In today’s world of micro-breweries and home brewers, beer lovers have more options than ever before. The beer aisle of your local liquor store is a veritable cornucopia of beers, some brewed locally, and others brewed nationally or even internationally. So how do you choose? Well, you pick what you find most attractive.

“The big idea here is that perceptual processes happen in the brain in parallel with economic value computations and thus influence how economic decisions are made,” said Milica Mormann, a researcher at the California Institute of Technology.

Digital Heat Transfers Make Great Labels for Beer and Wine Bottles

Until recently, manufacturers had very few options when it came to decorating glass bottles. For years, high fire decals ruled the industry. Then came low fire decals. Now, digital heat transfers have changed everything, turning the glass decoration industry upside down.

Digital heat transfers offer numerous benefits over high fire and low fire decals, including:

  1. Digital transfers are baked at a much lower temperature (250°).
  2. Digital transfers give manufacturers the ability to economically print in four color (plus white) for photo quality logos.
  3. Digital transfers are extremely durable.
  4. Heat transfers are currently the ONLY digital solution for decorating glass.
  5. Click Here to learn more about the benefits of digital heat transfers.

Digital Heat Transfers from CDigital

For years, CDigital, formerly trademarked as Grafixx, applied its digital heat transfers to every material under the sun – metal, plastic, nylon, acrylic, wood, and so much more – every material except for glass. However, that all changed recently. Produced right here in the good ole’ U.S. of A., digital heat transfer from CDigital make digital, short run decorating of glass products not only possible, but economical.

If you would like to learn more about Digital Heat Transfers, please contact Grafixx at 410-646-7800 or fill out our Contact Form. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube.

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